Annelys de Vet

Cover of the publication Subjective Atlas of Brussels, published by Subjective Editions

Cover of the publication Subjective Atlas of Brussels, published by Subjective Editions

Cover of the publication Subjective Atlas of Luxembourg, published by Subjective Editions

Cover of the publication Subjective Atlas of Luxembourg, published by Subjective Editions

Installation views of the presentation New Urgencies at the exhibition Occupation Designer, MAD Brussels (BE)

Installation views of the presentation New Urgencies at the exhibition Occupation Designer, MAD Brussels (BE)

Installation views of the presentation Disarming Design at the exhibition Occupation Designer, MAD Brussels (BE)

Installation views of the presentation Disarming Design at the exhibition Occupation Designer, MAD Brussels (BE)

Installation views of the presentation New Urgencies at the exhibition Occupation Designer, MAD Brussels (BE)

Installation views of the presentation New Urgencies at the exhibition Occupation Designer, MAD Brussels (BE)

With Annelys de Vet we developed a long-term collaboration resulting in a number of projects.

  1. Development of the publishing platform Subjective Editions.

  2. Participation at the exhibition Conflict & Design, C-Mine Genk (BE).

  3. Strategy development for Disarming Design from Palestine.

  4. Participation at the exhibition Occupation Designer, MAD Brussels (BE).

More information on Annelys de Vet can be found through this link.

Link to the website of Disarming Design

Link to the website of Subjective Editions

Read the article of Disarming Design in the Works that Work magazine here.

Installation view of the presentation at Conflict & Design, C-Mine Genk (BE)

Installation view of the presentation at Conflict & Design, C-Mine Genk (BE)

Installation view of the presentation at Conflict & Design, C-Mine Genk (BE)

Installation view of the presentation at Conflict & Design, C-Mine Genk (BE)

Installation view of the presentation at Conflict & Design, C-Mine Genk (BE)

Installation view of the presentation at Conflict & Design, C-Mine Genk (BE)

Installation views of the presentation New Urgencies at the exhibition Occupation Designer, MAD Brussels (BE)

Installation views of the presentation New Urgencies at the exhibition Occupation Designer, MAD Brussels (BE)


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