Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, PARK plan d’évasion
Artist’s book
Our engagement
Curatorial development, follow-up of design & production process, distribution, promotion.
Content description
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster’s photographs of parks and shared public spaces designed for relaxation or recreation come from all over the world. Twilit seaside cafes, lawns mown into swirling shapes, and public squares lit up for a festival all suggest the the possibility of magical escape and demonstrate the artist’s desire to combine physical sensual reality with the immediacy and emotional charge of an image.
Technical description
Finish: Softcover
Number of pages: [unpaginated]
Dimensions: 15 x 21 cm
Release date: 2002
ISBN: 9080677434
Nur code: Art, Conceptual
Publisher: Imschoot, uitgevers